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Argo CD

It's finally here for arm64

Argo CD now supports arm64 architecture. Since version v2.4.0.

What is Argo CD ?

Form Argo CD website.

Application definitions, configurations, and environments should be declarative and version controlled. Application deployment and lifecycle management should be automated, auditable, and easy to understand.

Above is not that specific.

So what Argo CD does is look in git repository for .yaml files, helm charts etc... and deploy them to your Kubernetes. You can easily then deploy your apps to one or many clusters. The .yaml files will be nice under control of git, and you can see changes backwards in time. No more just folders full of files.

It has nice UI, and what is a big bonus, it tracks if your app actually deployed, not just fires the deployment and forgets about it. But keeps track. Even gives you easy access to pod logs from UI.

Argo CD runs in your Kubernetes cluster, that is very much aligned with my philosophy, to keep everything contained in Kubernetes. This also in effect helps with security, you do not have to give kubectl config file to anybody.

Install Argo CD

#create namespace
root@control01:~# kubectl create namespace argocd
#Install as on any other cluster
root@control01:~# kubectl apply -n argocd -f

After deployment, you should see following pods:

root@control01:~# kubectl get pods  -n argocd
NAME                                                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
argocd-redis-896595fb7-4ppbt                                        1/1     Running          0          3h
argocd-applicationset-controller-7dd9d4b769-g9mhk   1/1     Running          0          3h
argocd-notifications-controller-759b6bcc4d-vfch9         1/1     Running          0          3h
argocd-server-5674bcbc44-f9zhh                                    1/1     Running          0          3h
argocd-application-controller-0                                       1/1     Running          0          3h
argocd-dex-server-655f944db8-4gq7m                           1/1     Running          0          3h
argocd-repo-server-856b477f86-hglvg                            1/1     Running          0          3h

And following services:

root@control01:~# kubectl get svc -n argocd
NAME                                                         TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP                  PORT(S)                      AGE
argocd-applicationset-controller             ClusterIP           <none>        7000/TCP,8080/TCP                    19m
argocd-dex-server                                    ClusterIP       <none>        5556/TCP,5557/TCP,5558/TCP   19m
argocd-metrics                                         ClusterIP           <none>        8082/TCP                                   19m
argocd-notifications-controller-metrics   ClusterIP           <none>        9001/TCP                                   19m
argocd-redis                                             ClusterIP         <none>        6379/TCP                                   19m
argocd-repo-server                                  ClusterIP          <none>        8081/TCP,8084/TCP                  19m
argocd-server                                           ClusterIP        <none>        80/TCP,443/TCP                        19m
argocd-server-metrics                              ClusterIP          <none>        8083/TCP                                   19m

Since I'm using metallb I want to attach external IP to the UI. I will edit the existing service for argocd-server by patching it.

root@control01:~# kubectl patch service argocd-server -n argocd --patch '{ "spec": { "type": "LoadBalancer", "loadBalancerIP": "" } }'

I have just added type: LoadBalancer and loadBalancerIP. You can do the same by directly patching the service with command:

Then check the service:

root@control01:~/argo_cd# kubectl get svc -n argocd
NAME                                                         TYPE              CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)                                   AGE
argocd-applicationset-controller             ClusterIP     <none>          7000/TCP,8080/TCP                      3h7m
argocd-dex-server                                    ClusterIP   <none>          5556/TCP,5557/TCP,5558/TCP   3h7m
argocd-metrics                                         ClusterIP     <none>          8082/TCP                                      3h7m
argocd-notifications-controller-metrics   ClusterIP     <none>          9001/TCP                                      3h7m
argocd-redis                                             ClusterIP    <none>          6379/TCP                                     3h7m
argocd-repo-server                                   ClusterIP    <none>          8081/TCP,8084/TCP                     3h7m
argocd-server-metrics                              ClusterIP    <none>          8083/TCP                                      3h7m
argocd-server                                           LoadBalancer   80:30936/TCP,443:32119/TCP   3h7m

I now have access to the UI under IP: and port: 80 but that will switch to 443 anyway.

Argo CD UI on Raspberry Pi 4

Username: admin and password is randomly generated. Get it like this:

root@control01:~/argo_cd# kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d; echo


Argo CD do not use the password from this secret. It just stores it there for you to get. Log in to the UI or via CLI and change it to your own. Then you can delete the secret.

Argo CD UI on Raspberry Pi 4 log in

Install Argo CD CLI tool

We can install Argo CD CLI tool by following steps:

root@control01:~/argo_cd# curl -sSL -o /usr/local/bin/argocd
root@control01:~/argo_cd# chmod +x /usr/local/bin/argocd

Log in to the argo-server IP, in my case :

root@control01:~/argo_cd# argocd login
WARNING: server certificate had error: x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs. Proceed insecurely (y/n)? y
Username: admin
'admin:login' logged in successfully
Context '' updated

List the argo servers:

root@control01:~/argo_cd# argocd cluster list
SERVER                          NAME        VERSION  STATUS   MESSAGE                                                  PROJECT
https://kubernetes.default.svc  in-cluster           Unknown  Cluster has no applications and is not being monitored.

You might see status Unknown, but this should change the moment we try to deploy something.

Test deployment

Just to make sure everything is working, we will deploy a simple hello world application. Argo CD, as the name suggest, is a CD. A continuous delivery tool. It does not build your application, create a docker image or push it to the registry. It just deploys your application, plus monitor its running state. Also, it will update your app if the deployment changes. I'm currently at hunt for the CI part, that could live inside my Kubernetes cluster, same as Argo.

But for now we are going as simple as possible.

Create a new repo

Create git repo with your project (Argo CD accepts YAML, helm charts, and more) in GitHub, GitLab or what ever git provider you use. I might need to create a special helm page, just to talk about helm charts. It's quite interesting, and you might want to use it. But for this example I will use just YAML files.

I have created this repo on my own gitlab: Argo-cd-example

And in there I have created a folder called hello-world. The idea is that you need to point the Argo CD to some directory, it does not like to use the root of the git repo.

Our deployment is official NGINX Hello World docker image. It supports arm64 architecture, so no need to work extra hard.

In our git / folder, I have added the following files:

Deployment itself: deployment.yaml

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: hello-world
  replicas: 1
      app: hello-world
    type: Recreate
        app: hello-world
      - image: nginxdemos/hello
        name: hello-world
            memory: "128Mi"
            cpu: "250m"
            memory: "384Mi"
            cpu: "500m"
        - containerPort: 80
          protocol: TCP
          name: hello-world

Service so we can access the replicas: service.yaml:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: hello-world
    app: hello-world
  type: LoadBalancer
    - name: hello-world
      protocol: TCP
      port: 80
      targetPort: 80

Nothing special, it should create one running replica of NGINX hello-world app, that if accesses on port 80 via browser should return some basic info about the node where it's running. And service will assign it to IP: This should be enough to get us going.

New app in Argo CD

Now jump into the Argo CD UI and create a new app. We could use CLI and define everything in single line, but this way it's more visually clear what we are doing. You can always use CLI to do everything later on.

Argo CD UI new app

And start filling up the basics.

  • Application Name: hello-world - Careful what you type here, use lowercase and no spaces.
  • Project Name: default - You can only select project you have created or default. More here
  • Auto-create namespace: yes - I have checked this to create new namespace for the app.
  • Cluster URL: https://kubernetes.default.svc - This is the internal cluster URL, it should exist by default in our k3s cluster.

The rest is pretty self-explanatory.

Argo CD UI create new app Argo CD UI create new app UI

Hit Create on the top left. You should get the following page:

Argo CD UI new app created

Because I did not set auto sync to yes, I need to manually sync the app. Hit the Sync button and then again on the top Synchorize.

Argo CD UI new app sync

After a while (it needs to download the image), you should see the following:

Argo CD UI new app synced

Cool right? But that's not all! Give a click on the box with the app name, and you should see the following:

Argo CD UI new app advance view

Click on each box, and you will get more information about each part of the app and deployment. You can even get logs from the containers, which is super convenient.

Also go and check the app IP via browser.

Argo CD UI sample app is up

Continuous delivery

Now for some continuous delivery magic. Click on App Details in the top left. Then Edit and down there is SYNC POLICY option, turn it on. This will make Argo CD to look periodically (I think it's every 3 to 5 min) to that git and apply changes you made there.


Don't forget to Save the changes you made, on the top.

Now, go to the deployment files in git and change one line.

replicas: 1


replicas: 2

Push and wait, Argo should do the changes on the cluster.

Argo CD UI sample app is up two replicas

Also click the different views on the top right, you will get a kick out of that.


I'm in process of moving everything into GitOps Argo CD for my Kubernetes cluster. Everything I deployed in this guide manually will be eventually managed via GitOps and Argo CD. There are some issues still, for example Argo CD right now, before version 2.5 does not allow separate values.yaml for helm chart and require it to be in the same repo as the helm chart. Which is a problem, because if you're going to use official repo location you can't edit that file...

Argo CD UI all the apps

There is a lot you can do and setup, but I need to stop here. It's already a pretty long guide, and the basics to get you up and running are here. You can continue with the Official Manual if you want.

Now take a break, eat and drink some coffee. And perhaps you can get me one too.
